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Public-images-osm logo.svg waterway = water_point
Water point - Fradley Junction.JPG
A place to fill fresh water holding tanks of a boat. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: water management
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: in use

A place to fill fresh water holding tanks of a boat.

For places to fill a caravan fresh water holding tank, see amenity=water_point or amenity=drinking_water.

See also harbour:water_tap or seamark:small_craft_facility:category=water_tap.

Example Photos


This tag was created May 2008 with the description "A place to get fresh water e.g. for caravans." and the definition "A place where you can get larger amounts of drinking water". A caravan tag does not belong in the waterway space, and thus the deprecation (in 2013/2014). In the meantime, marine mappers picked up the tag and used it. The tag is used extensively on the UK canal system to mean "a place to fill fresh water holding tanks of a boat". And it's used outside the UK too, see this Overpass Turbo query.

So the present meaning of the tag is "a place to fill fresh water holding tanks of a boat".

Details on the development of the usage numbers can be found in this OSM tag history as a curve chart.

See also

  • amenity=water_point – A place to fill fresh water tanks, for example in caravans or mobile homes/RVs.
  • amenity=drinking_water – A more common tag for a drinking water feature, which does not specify the quantity available.
  • amenity=watering_place – A places where animals can drink water.
  • water_point=yes/no – An attribute which specifies whether a feature also provides a water point.
  • man_made=water_tap – Publicly usable water tap which may or may not provide drinking water.
  • natural=spring – Water flowing out of the ground.
  • amenity=fountain – A decorative water feature.
  • emergency=suction_point – A preferred point to pump water off a river or other waters for a fire department.

Possible Rendering

Waterway water point.svg suggested by User:Chrisana13